
The Spirit of Things

So I have wonderful sisters.

One of these sisters decided for the whole month of November she would write something she was grateful for each day. My other sister saw this and has decided for the Christmas Season she would try and write aspects of Christ until Christmas. Since I love my sisters I've decided to follow in their footsteps. :)

So I have decided that for the month of December I am going to try and write something that I am thankful for or something I feel touches on the true meaning of Christmas - and I'm going to try to write daily.

I'm doing this in the hopes that I will feel more of the Christmas spirit and keep my perspective not so much on the commercialism of Christmas - but on Christ and his birth and what that means to me.

Hopefully those that read (if any) will enjoy my posts and feel a little more of the Christmas spirit too - and if not, blame my sisters. ;)

1 comment:

xantogal said...

You are so good! I look forward to reading your upcoming posts!:)